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Indiana Real Estate Lawyer

Our Indiana Real Estate Lawyer Works Hard for You

When buying or selling real estate, property owners are subject to a number of rules, regulations, and laws in the state of Indiana. If you make a mistake in applying these items to the transaction, it could result in costly disputes and legal proceedings in the future. 更好的选择是确保最初协议中的细节是正确的, and our New Albany real estate lawyer is ready to do just that for you.

Count on Church, Langdon, Lopp, 在各种房地产交易和情况下代表您的利益. We do not cut corners or ignore any details involved. We know that preparation is key in these types of situations, 我们投入了必要的时间和资源,以获得最大的成功机会. We prefer to be overprepared, ensuring we are ready for any eventuality. For a discussion of your situation, contact our real estate attorney, located in New Albany, today at 812-725-8224.

Trust Our Indiana Real Estate Lawyer to Represent You in Multiple Matters

When you hire CLLB Law to represent you in your real estate transaction, you will receive help in a variety of areas. 我们有经验,你可以利用,使您的房地产情况进行得尽可能顺利.

  • 我们协助房地产交易,从收购到处置,以及其间的任何地方.
  • We assist lenders with commercial loan documentation and closings.
  • 当住宅或商业物业业主面临诉讼时,我们随时准备提供帮助.
  • We represent clients during the drafting and negotiating of leases.
  • 当房主协会需要帮助起草和执行契约时,我们的团队可以提供帮助.
  • 我们代表建筑商和业主处理有关未能履行原协议和合同的纠纷.
  • 我们可以为印第安纳州以外的贷款人或财产所有者担任当地法律顾问,但他们在当地财产中有股份.
  • 房地产经纪人指望我们帮助进行风险管理,当他们的客户需要帮助处理棘手的交易时.
  • 当企业寻求对其物业进行翻新和扩建时,我们帮助他们克服许可和分区障碍.

Our clients know they can trust us with all of these matters and more. 我们在房地产法律的数十个方面的经验使我们的长期客户知道他们可以信任我们的优势, no matter how complex the situation regarding their property becomes.

Why Choose Us As Your Indiana Real Estate Attorney

Our lead attorney for real estate law, Jason Lopp, 在印第安纳州和肯塔基州,你有丰富的经验帮助客户处理与房地产交易有关的各种情况吗. Lopp律师就房地产情况与个人和企业合作, including:

  • Real estate purchases
  • Negotiating real estate transactions
  • Commercial financing
  • Litigation related to real estate
  • Zoning and rezoning issues
  • Land-use planning
  • Property disputes
  • Preparing easements
  • Dealing with covenants and deeds
  • Negotiating, drafting, and enforcing leases.

我们很高兴有机会帮助我们的客户进行房地产交易. We take everything that our clients have to say about our service to heart, so we can make improvements to our approach. At CLLB Law, we always have our clients’ best interests in mind, 我们的新奥尔巴尼房地产律师会根据客户面临的情况调整我们的计划. 请尽快致电812-725-8224与我们讨论您的房地产需求.

Common Questions for Our New Albany Based Real Estate Lawyer

我们的一些客户来找我们是因为他们对房地产法律的运作知之甚少. Others may know a lot about real estate transactions, but they may need help with a highly complex situation. Regardless of the background of our clients, we usually receive a number of questions after clients choose to hire us. We are displaying some of the most common questions we receive here, so you can understand how we approach various situations.


No, 印第安纳州没有法律要求房产卖家或买家聘请房地产律师. However, 让我们的团队审查合同和细节有助于发现任何可能在未来几个月或几年伤害你的错误或奇怪之处.

Can I cancel my real estate contract within three days in Indiana?

No. 尽管我们发现有些人认为他们可以在签订房地产合同后72小时内取消合同, this is not the case in Indiana. In most cases, according to the Office of the Indiana Attorney General, the transaction is effective immediately. 这说明在您签署合同之前,让我们的新奥尔巴尼房地产律师审查购买细节的重要性.

Why should I hire a real estate lawyer?

At CLLB Law, 我们的房地产律师工作,以确保您正在考虑的财产是合法的,没有任何留置权和其他问题, whether you are looking to sell or buy. 我们会对您的财产进行彻底的调查, making the chance of having a problem down the road as rare as possible.


如果你对自己拥有或正在考虑购买的房产有开发计划, local zoning laws affect your options. 我们的房地产律师会调查目前当地的房产分区情况, if necessary, will guide you through the process of seeking a new zoning status, which requires completing numerous steps and filing multiple documents.

How do I create a lease document for my property?

我们的印第安纳州房地产律师经常为我们的客户提供的bet9九州体育登录之一是起草租约. Whether you own a multi-tenant building or a single-family home, with our help, 你可以确定租约为你和你的财产提供了你所需要的保护.

房地产交易从来都不像看上去那么简单. When complexities arise, our real estate attorney is ready to help. And when you have questions, 中禄律师团队以快速回应客户的疑问而自豪, keeping the real estate project moving forward.

Contact Our Indiana Real Estate Lawyer Today for a Discussion of Your Case

At CLLB Law我们知道,每一笔房地产交易都有可能涉及无法预料的复杂性. 您可能不具备专业知识,也不愿意花时间来解开这些复杂的问题. 但我们的印第安纳州房地产律师随时准备帮助与购买出现的每一个情况, selling, financing, or leasing real estate.

我们的专长是使房地产交易尽快结束, all without sacrificing the quality of our representation. 我们在新奥尔巴尼的房地产律师知道,您希望您的房地产交易快速推进, and we do everything within our power to make sure that happens, no matter where you are located. 当您正在寻找有关我们团队如何帮助您满足房地产需求的信息时, call us today at 812-725-8224.

Client Testimonial

“Jason Lopp贴心地协助我们的客户完成了一项餐饮业务的资产购买协议(APA)安排. 为了使交易发生,有一些必要的考虑因素—Jason在整个过程中都很勤奋.” – Stephen Lukinovich (Google Review)

Attorney Jason Lopp

Attorney Jason Lopp

Jason Lopp的主要业务是代表金融机构, major corporations, family businesses and individuals. Licensed to practice in both Indiana and Kentucky, his practice includes real estate litigation, commercial real estate transactions, zoning, construction, general litigation, business planning and risk management matters. [ Attorney Bio ]

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